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⚠️ With the upcoming life-changing consciousness-expanding ➡️ WORLDWIDE POTENTIATION CEREMONY ⬅️ - Nov 14, CST. By-do...
Part 1: What a Child Needs (audio version in The Truthiversity)
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📢 NOTE: The audio version of this article is available to members of THE TRUTHIVERSITY.
Australian author and intuitive Danielle Fenton suggests, “It is possible the first exchange between us and ...
As veteran NDE (near-death experience) researcher Dr Ken Ring suggests, we should probably view the NDE as a subset of a broader family of mystical experiences.
The great philosopher and psychologist...
The nature of your post-mortem transition is largely determined by your state of mind at the time, the overall contents of your psyche (your “set,” in psychological terms), and the nature of your deat...

Welcome, fellow unconventional critical thinker! 🧐
This is an audience-supported publication AND a powerful podcast, producing uncommon insight. If you find value here, here are some ...
Fun fact: It is, thanks to hypnotic regression methods (see Newton, Weiss, Whitton and more), possible to regress someone back to a previous lifetime to re-live their moment of death.
Experiencing th...
American psychologist and parapsychologist Dr Charles Tart ran a novel experiment in mutual hypnosis in the ‘60s with results that challenge the workaday concepts of “reality” and what that word reall...
“If reality at an even more fundamental level than the quantum level is symbolic in nature, then manipulating symbol systems manipulates the semiotic web, and manipulates reality.” - Patrick Dunn, Pos...
I maintain that John Lash’s opus Not in His Image (2006) is one of the best gnostic exegeses available—partly because he himself is able to “walk between worlds” and has a manifest “paranormal” ski...
© Brendan D. Murphy, author The Grand Illusion, founder of The Truthiversity
Repeated ignorant or stubborn denial of the existence of certain powers does not keep them from existing—except for us! ...
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