Magic Shamanic Windows to the Gods

📢 NOTE: The audio version of this article is available to members of THE TRUTHIVERSITY.
Australian author and intuitive Danielle Fenton suggests, “It is possible the first exchange between us and extraterrestrials was initiated by a shaman entering into an altered state of consciousness and subsequently visiting a neighbouring dimension.”1
While I’m not overly fond of the term “extraterrestrials,” Fenton makes a valid point. The historic discoveries in recent years at the Qesem caves near Tel Aviv, adduce evidence that shamanic practices were being used as far back as around 400,000 years ago—this far predates Dr Julian Jaynes’ “bicameral” period (from around 10,000 BCE to approximately 1000 BCE, allowing for variations in different cultures’ timings around the world as writing came about and societal complexity increased).
About an eighty minute drive farther inland from Qesem is the famous Mt. Gerizim, of Biblical fame. Mt. Gerizim was considered the original dwelling place of God in the Hebrew Bible, and was noted for the Shekinah, meaning “God’s divine presence,” or “dwelling place of God.” The mountain is known for the appearance of anomalous lights.2
Were the ancient “proto-shamans” of and near Qesem trying to make an intelligent connection with the region’s uber-ancient “paranormal” residents?
From the evidence at Qesem, it appears the shaman-type figure/s of the time had ritual objects intended to help facilitate communication with non-physical intelligences. Unfortunately, we know even less about the consciousness of such ancient “pre-bicameral” civilisations than we do about the speculated bicameral ones, though there is anomalous evidence dating back many thousands of years that shows,
a) ancient peoples were seeing things in the sky which came to be known in the 20th century as UFOs, “flying saucers,” and UAPs, and,
b) numerous cultures around the world have ancient traditions of being seeded or created by “star beings,” often associated with the constellation of the Pleiades. [As the Pleiades is physically uninhabitable for a human-like species, this could only be possible if these other races were based primarily at a different (non-physical) density level and also had the capacity to materialise at our third-density level of reality to manipulate our matter—something the Contact phenomenon has demonstrated many times over, incidentally.]
Collins and Little advance the thesis that many Contact experiences and/or UFO sightings are explainable through largely natural mechanisms, based partly on the pioneering work of Paul Deveraux in Earth Lights. Deveraux provided compelling evidence that mysterious lights and structured objects are generated mostly by electromagnetic activity associated with geological factors such as fault lines, tectonic plates, and large deposits of minerals such as quartz and metal ores. Under pressure, some rocks have the ability to release electrons which become manifested light forms on reaching open air.
Deveraux also noted quite correctly that these light forms can behave intelligently, and even often seemed to have a telepathic connection to the observer/s, something that has been increasingly documented since Deveraux’s major works on the subject.
“UFOs” have a strange habit of showing up not only in the lead up to earthquakes, but also at highly emotionally charged and significant moments of people’s lives, just like the large, glowing orange disc I saw above me in Perth one evening just before I separated from my ex and moved back to Sydney to start a new phase of life.
This latter more personally-oriented pattern suggests a more “spiritual” interpretation, such as these manifestations potentially being triggered by versions of ourselves (i.e. Daimon/oversoul) across the veil. They may often be intended as a quiet message of reassurance, a signalling that, “You are not going through this alone,” for instance.
Collins, inspired by Deveraux and the work of physicist David Bohm, concluded that many “UFOs” were made of plasma, the fourth (and most common) state of matter in the universe; all other forms of matter derive from plasma (a “gas” containing a high-density of electrons and positive ions). Objects made of plasma are referred to as plasmids, and they can be extremely small or very large, manifesting individually or in clusters; as glowing fogs or seemingly solid structures (such as “flying saucers”).
They can divide themselves, recombine, appear out of nowhere and disappear just as fast—all classic UFO behaviour. They can manifest at any time of day. Collins states:
Those who get too close to plasma environments can expect to experience electrostatic effects, electromagnetic interferences, the draining of electrical equipment, nausea and vertigo, and even transformative experiences akin to visions, daydreams or moments of epiphany.3
Even the reserved British Ministry of Defense “Condign Report” (2000) acknowledged that there is a type of ionising radiation associated with plasmas or plasma-related fields which can cause people trouble at close proximity.4
Alterations of consciousness and bizarre temporal anomalies such as missing time are famous features not just of modern UFO lore, but the older forms of it (say from Europe in the Middle Ages) featuring fairies, pixies, elves, gnomes, and such. People innocently stumbling on a ring of small beings dancing in a circle risked being subjected to some very strange and even terrifying experiences, sometimes going missing for years or never being seen again.5
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Significantly, plasma appears to sometimes act in a sentient fashion and is believed to potentially harbour multidimensional environments. As such, they may function as portals to higher-dimensional space (hyperspace), while also potentially producing significant distortions in the local “fabric” of space-time. If someone enters into one of these highly charged plasma constructs they effectively leave the usual space-time reference frame and enter a temporary multidimensional environment, a sort of “bubble universe” overlaid on our own.6
I agree that plasma is highly significant, as Collins suggests, and this next point is crucial:
Two-way interaction between the phenomenon and the human mind creates the impression that the person or persons involved has entered a realm that adheres to their expectancies of what they genuinely believe is going on, whether this be entry into an extraterrestrial vehicle, or the abode of the fairies (as was the case in medieval times), or, if a person is particularly religious, the kingdom of heaven. Such experiences…will be “real.”7
As such, Collins and Little conclude that most (but not all) genuine UFOs may simply be the “outer manifestation of transdimensional intelligences able to occupy plasma environments.”8 Thus, the discussion needs to shift more in the direction of other levels/realms/dimensions of reality, or, perhaps more prosaically, the interaction between human minds and the quantum information field.
In short, per Collins and Little, plasmas provide a special environment whereby the deeper level of reality Bohm spoke of—and whatever intelligence inhabits it—can manifest and engage with us in an intentional (and frequently bizarre) way. This deeper level Bohm referred to as the implicate order, and it has a nonlocal character in which space and time are effectively rendered null and void, though others may prefer to invoke the idea of the quantum field or general information field in which we are immersed (and are created by). Bohm’s colleague Basil Hiley referred to it as pre-space. Bohm (who died in 1992) believed
that life and consciousness are enfolded deep in the generative order and are therefore present in varying degrees of unfoldment in all matter, including supposedly “inanimate” matter such as electrons or plasmas. He suggests that there is a “protointelligence” in matter, so that new evolutionary developments do not emerge in a random fashion but creatively as relatively integrated wholes from implicate levels of reality.9
Few mystics could have said it better.
Thus, plasmas offer the perfect environment for anomalous intelligences from a “deeper” order of reality to manifest through, potentially. Given that earth tectonics and other geo-influences (e.g. plasmas) are, according to empirical evidence, many hundreds of millions of years old, humanity has logically always been exposed to them.
This adds an interesting wrinkle to the Jaynesian model: were some bicameral people actually having “divine” encounters with these sorts of anomalous/preternatural beings from the quantum field/implicate order/aether/Pleroma as a result of earth’s natural processes electromagnetically stimulating their temporal lobes?
Is this possibly just another way of saying that certain specific electromagnetic conditions here can facilitate the “oversoul” or “higher self” entity of the individual to manifest and make contact through voices and visions? These would, of course, be interpreted according to the person’s existing mental model of the world, which, 2,000 years or more ago, would have tended to be relatively primitive and naive compared to what’s available now. Are these hyperdimensional plasma environments/implicate orders part of the explanation for where Christo-Judaic theology derives?
I’d suggest it’s very likely. (Continued below ⤵️)

As Collins suggests, encounters with plasma environments and their inhabitants are two-way streets whereby conditioned expectation and belief informs the very nature of the experience—it becomes something of a self-fulfilling prophecy in those cases (and we see this with near-death experiences [NDEs] too). Either way, it seems some interesting things were happening to at least some of the ancients’ brains which they struggled to comprehend.
From a Jaynesian point of view, fundamentalists today use the Bible as a way to hark back to a “pre-conscious” time when difficult choices were seemingly made for them by an external and divine authority—a time that actually predates morality itself. It is easier to simply be told what to do by a god than to have to introspectively weigh, assess, act, and then take responsibility for the consequences. Developing discernment is harder than robotically following an existing behavioural recipe—not that bicameral people had a choice in the matter! The “god/s” spoke to them and they had to obey, as this was the form their non-introspective volition took, as the right hemisphere of the brain communicated its instructions to the left for processing (as visual and auditory hallucinations).
It’s worth noting that the plasma constructs mentioned above could also just as easily be “portals” into the collective human unconscious information field, allowing any given person access to the entire repository of human belief and all of Jung’s archetypes, as well as endless pop culture icons and egregorial entities.
(Egregore is a Greek term derived from egregoros, meaning “wakeful” or “watchful.” The French translation of egregore means “spirit of a group,” essentially an entity created by the group mind in the way I use it here.)
The collective unconscious field could be seen as a sort of “subset” of the broader “cosmic mind” or universal quantum field. It is the “realm” in which all human minds are entangled and in contact with one another. As I stressed in Book 1, entanglement and nonlocality are basic and intrinsic features of the deepest “levels” of reality (the information field)—along with consciousness.
I quoted from Michael Talbot referencing Bohm, who suggested,
“that there is a ‘protointelligence’ in matter, so that new evolutionary developments do not emerge in a random fashion but creatively as relatively integrated wholes from implicate levels of reality. The mystical connotations of Bohm’s ideas are underlined by his remark that the implicate domain ‘could equally well be called Idealism, Spirit, Consciousness.’”10
On the surface, while everything typically seems unconnected, at subconscious levels, in the quantum field, everything is totally connected—all information existing in superposition, everywhere (and nowhere) at once. Thus, in these anomalous plasma environs, an individual may enter (largely unwittingly) into contact with the overwhelming numinosity of the collective human unconscious (user manual not included).
Ergo, Bohm’s “proto-intelligences”—whether independent volitional intelligences, or thought-form beings (or elementals) powered by the collective unconscious—emerge from the hidden implicate order, a domain of timeless nonlocality and spacelessness, via these types of temporary plasma constructs. The fact that these phenomena can evidence mind-to-mind style communication (“telepathy”) betrays the underlying interconnectedness/entanglement of subject and object (and, in truth, everything).
As Collins says, “the same primary mechanism that allows entanglement to occur also becomes the mechanism through which n-dimensional beings are able to manifest in this world via plasma…”11
The foregoing material also accounts for the tremendous information downloads many people report as part of these experiences (and sometimes the aftermath too)—the plasma environment opens them up to seemingly all information of the quantum/zero point field (or at the very least, all information in the collective human hive-mind, which would still seem endless). NDErs report this type of thing, though typically without anomalous electromagnetic conditions, plasma manifestations, UFOs, etc.
NDEs generally filter out the “gods” and “aliens” (and “Angels and Demons” astral soap opera) aspect or “informational layer” of the collective human unconscious bubble, which I glibly dub the Astral Phantasia. This is generally more true the deeper the NDEr goes into the imaginal and farther beyond surface-level cultural conditioning. This filtering is exemplified in the life-between-lives regression literature where we find a total absence of gods, saviours, and other religious constructs, as well as an absence of other Astral Phantasia themes.
*Note: this article is taken from the larger context of Book 2 of THE GRAND ILLUSION—an extraordinarily deep and detailed investigation into the afterlife and other aspects and versions of self.
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– Alobar Jones, medical intuitive
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– Dr. Buryl Payne
“A masterpiece…The Grand Illusion is mind-blowing.”
– Sol Luckman, author of Potentiate Your DNA.
“You’ve written the best synthesis of modern science and esoteric science that I’ve seen in 40 years…Brilliant!”
– Michael K. Wade

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1 Fenton, Hybrid Humans, 8-9.
2 See Collins and Little, Origins of the Gods.
3 Collins, Mystery Lights, Plasma Intelligences, Transdimensional Beings and the Emergence of Human Civilisation, New Dawn magazine no. 192.
4 Ministry of Defense “Condign Report” ionising radiation with plasmas, 2000.
5 See the works of Jacques Vallee
6 Collins, Mystery Lights…, op. cit.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 David Pratt, David Bohm and the Implicate Order, Sunrise magazine, February/March 1993,
10 Talbot, The Holographic Universe, 271.
11 Collins, Mystery Lights… op. cit.