Shared Hallucinations & Parallel Universes: Joint Adventures in Holographic Dreamscapes

American psychologist and parapsychologist Dr Charles Tart ran a novel experiment in mutual hypnosis in the ‘60s with results that challenge the workaday concepts of “reality” and what that word reall...

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Solving the "Hard Problem" of Consciousness

“If reality at an even more fundamental level than the quantum level is symbolic in nature, then manipulating symbol systems manipulates the semiotic web, and manipulates reality.” - Patrick Dunn, Pos...

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Archons on Netflix? Gnostic Comsology and Stranger Things Indeed

I maintain that John Lash’s opus Not in His Image (2006) is one of the best gnostic exegeses available—partly because he himself is able to “walk between worlds” and has a manifest “paranormal” ski...

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The Belief Effect: Self-fulfilling Skepticism: Sheep, Goat or Jackass?

© Brendan D. Murphy, author The Grand Illusion, founder of The Truthiversity

Repeated ignorant or stubborn denial of the existence of certain powers does not keep them from existing—except for us! ...

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Why There is No Biblical Basis for Hell (and Where the Idea Truly Originates From)
Brendan Murphy | @BrendanDMurphyOfficial
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What REALLY Happens When We Sleep?

By 1984, late out-of-body explorer Robert Monroe and his team at The Monroe Institute had reached a mix of premises and conclusions that were, as it happens, highly consonant with occult doctrine, inc...

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Ezekiel's Visions Revisited

Let’s Get Shamanic Old Testament Style, O’ Father in Heaven!

To our 3D-based consciousness, 4D and “higher” realms or mind-worlds are symbolised or conceptualised by our brains with vertical referenc...

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The Promise of Energy Psychology by Brendan Murphy

Better Ways to Heal Through Energy Psychology

In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.—Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel laureate in Medicin...

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Censored Study: Covid Had No Effect on Death Rates in America – Total Deaths Normal in 2020

Note: This important article on death rates in America for 2020 was taken down by Johns Hopkins and censored, and was therefore retrieved from the WayBack Machine on November 27, 2020.

Summary of key...

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The People Say No – Santa Cruz’s Lesson in Covid Civil Disobedience

Santa Cruz just gave the world a lesson in civil disobedience.

For the past couple of months under the covid-1984 lockdown (based on junk data), it has been illegal to be on the beach between 11 a.m....

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Hillary Clinton Has Starring Role in Sickening Emails on Wiener's Laptop

It's looking worse and worse for poor old Hillary.

Retired General Michael Flynn's lawyer has exposed how Anthony Weiner’s laptop - seized by the NYPD in 2016 - contained hundreds of thousands of Hil...

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What Ideology Does to Your Brain

Terms Defined
When people hear the term “ideology” they typically think of a political belief structure or formula for thinking.
A synonym for ideology is “dogma” defined as “fixed, especially religious...

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