If you’re ready to be a spiritual badass with massive self-belief, clarity of vision, and self-awareness...

Then it’s time to take your growth, healing, and knowledge to the next level.

Evolve Yourself

The next quantum leap in your evolution and expansion is here.


Evolve Yourself

The next quantum leap in your evolution and expansion is here.


Most people think spirituality equals meditation, gurus, angels, New Age language, Ascended Masters, yoga, crystals, and 5D.

While some of the above can be useful, they can also result in overwhelm and distraction.

Have you ever set out to become "more spiritual" - you bought some angel cards, stopped swearing, and threw on some love, light, and rainbow tights - yet your life stayed the same?

The truth is, many "spiritual" practices result in confusion, wheel-spinning, and reliance on external factors. Some are simply avoidance strategies.

Personal evolution, spirituality and self-knowledge are about identifying your individuality. 

And pulling on that thread of epicness to make your whole life amazing.

The unleashing of your self and the unleashing of your life go hand in hand.

Many spiritual teachers will have you call on angels, guides, or ascended masters...

...but what if you could access your own inner power with EASE and become unfuckwithable? Without calling on external sources.

Do you not also carry a spark of the creator within?

Knowing it is one thing, but LIVING it is pure FREEDOM.

Spiritual growth and self-evolution are how we find meaning and fulfilment in our lives.

It’s how we free ourselves.

It’s how we make impact in the world, and create an intentional life.

A life custom-designed to suit our deepest desires and needs.

A life of adventure, connection to source, self, and others......and, above all, freedom.

When we access targeted growth and healing methods - with support and guidance, we accelerate our evolution.

Save time, money, and energy by doing it with me.


Evolve Yourself is for you if...

You're an open-minded seeker of self-empowerment.

And you're determined to access the best personal and spiritual development tools available to make life as awesome as possible.

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Power Up

Get the spiritual rocket fuel flowing through you to break through your blocks and limitations, unleashing possibility.

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Healing and Integration

Trigger an organic and effortless unfoldment of emotional, physical, and mental integration and healing which will change you forever.

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Connect to your core presence and All That Is. Calm your monkey mind. Shed layers of in-authenticity. Activate the real you.


How Committed Are You to Your Evolution?

4 Stages, 4 Activations, 4 Opportunities to Heal and Expand Your Life.


$297 USD

Evolve Yourself

Level 1
You'll get:
  • Evolve Yourself Level 1 Live DNA Activation Ceremony
  • Access to the Evolve Yourself Online Course
  • 5 months of supporting materials
  • Evolve Yourself Community Forum
  • Evolve Yourself Journal
  • All updates and developments
  • Lifetime access to Level 1 

$891 USD

Triple Bundle

Levels 1, 2, and 3
You'll get:
  • Evolve Yourself Levels 1,2, and 3 Live DNA Activation Ceremonies
  • Access to Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the Evolve Yourself Online Course
  • Evolve Yourself Community Forum
  • Evolve Yourself Journal
  • All updates and developments
  • All 3 levels of monthly support (over 18 months)
  • Lifetime access to all materials 

Here's What You're Gonna get...

And this is just Level One...  


Evolve Yourself Live Sound Ceremony

The centrepiece of Evolve Yourself, this is the most powerful biophotonic auric upgrade this side of Andromeda.

Brendan will use a unique combination of vowel codes, Solfeggio frequencies and his voice to trigger the next phase of your evolution.

It's safe, methodical, and repeatable. Good luck finding a more powerful DNA activation than this!

Brendan D Murphy
Brendan D Murphy


Evolve Yourself Online Course

For members only. Here you'll get potent guidance, hacks, and techniques to optimise your integration and unfoldment. Get ready to unleash yourself.

Course materials feature supplementary ground-breaking research, time-saving hacks, and empowering insights. Go to the head of the class!



Evolve Yourself Community Forum

Access to an ever-evolving tight-knit group of self-developers who will support your journey. Swap notes and ask questions in the forum. Be and feel supported by Brendan - and the whole crew.

Brendan D Murphy
Brendan D Murphy


Evolve Yourself Journal

Get the exclusive printable Evolve Yourself Journal for tracking your progress and life-changing shifts along the way. 



Hear what participants have experienced...

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"This process has been such an amazing experience. I can't thank you enough Brendan. I will be forever grateful. You are changing the world!!!!!"

C. Cauvin

Former exhausted mother of two


Stuck in the Mud?

If you feel like you've hit the wall, you're stagnating, and can't quite work out why, then you're in the right place.

Now's your chance to power up and break free - with a safe blast of the "life force" to fill every cell and strand of DNA with more of what makes you awesome!


Heal the Bio-spiritual Distortion Holding You Back

Everyone has it but few know about it: an energetic drain in the human energy system that prevents energy/charge from circulating properly, blocking our potential.

This keeps us playing small and stuck in victimhood, powerlessness, inauthenticity, and lower consciousness. Now you can heal it forever and break free of its influence.


Why Choose Brendan?

Since performing the first activation on himself over a decade ago, Brendan has gone on to do the same for hundreds more people around the world.

With thousands of hours of research and experience behind him, Brendan is uniquely placed to offer you a potent and irreversible spiritual unfoldment experience.


Save time, money, and hassles

You've seen the pretenders and fluff mongers with their buzz words, "codes," and catch phrases - but where are their results? Brendan cuts through the B.S. and delivers the spiritual and energetic "punch" that others can't.

Watch as your activation triggers an intelligent process that runs on autopilot in the background, making spiritual evolution and healing easier than ever.

This work is worth far more than the fees may suggest - and they may not stay this low much longer! 


Praise For Brendan's Work

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Brendan Murphy

Author and host of Truthiverse podcast, Brendan Murphy has both blown minds and changed lives around the world.

He is the author of the epic masterpiece, “The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality - Book 1,” and its life-changing follow-ups. He also curates The Truthiversity, the #1 consciousness-raising university. This is a one-of-a-kind multimedia learning portal for awake and discerning minds covering a range of diverse and compelling subjects (Truthiversity.com). 

Brendan’s work is designed to push humanity and civilisation to greater consciousness, freedom, and health. He does this mainly through his writings, his podcast, and his DNA-activation and coaching work.

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It's Time To Evolve Yourself

Take a quantum leap in your growth, healing, and evolution with Brendan Murphy as your facilitator and guide.

Isn't it time to embody the majestic truth of who you are and live the life you're here for? If you want to serve the world, you need to start with yourself.

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Privacy Notice  |  Terms of Use  |  Refund Policy

Need to contact us? Email [email protected] Brendan Murphy, Suite 1A, Level 2, 802 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2075 

[Disclaimer: The Developers and all certified Facilitators of the Regenetics Method offer DNA activation as educators and ordained ministers, not medical doctors, and do not purport to diagnose, prevent or treat illness of any kind. Regenetics Method information and sessions are offered, and accepted, as exercises of freedom of speech and religion. The Developers and Facilitators of the Regenetics Method make no recommendations, claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care. The Regenetics Method is not a medical intervention and no content here is to be taken as medical advice. In point of fact, this modality transcends the medical paradigm of disease management altogether.]